Photo by Matt Siber
Photography Matt Siber has an interesting (and cool, and scary) series of photos on his website. In the photos, Matt Photoshops out the support structures of roadside signs creating floating logos. Matt says about the project:
Inspired by the proliferation of very tall signs in the American Mid-West, Floating Logos seeks to draw attention to this often overlooked form of advertising. Perched atop very tall poles or stanchions, these corporate beacons emit their message by looming over us in their glowing, plastic perfection. Elimination of the support structure in the photographs allows the signs to literally float above the earth. In some cases the ground is purposefully left out of the image to further emphasize the disconnect between the corporate symbols and terra firma.
The photos are eerily beautiful. Check them out on Matt’s site, and check out his other interesting and urban inspired projects.
Seen at Subtraction and LogoDesignLove.
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