Greater City Providence

TONIGHT: A Conversation with Daniel Libeskind

Rebuilding the World Trade Center

Photo by Erik Charlton from Flickr

I totally forgot about this until I was catching up with the Daily Dose (mostly I forgot because I have class tonight and can’t go. Stupid class).

The Second J. Carter Brown Memorial Lecture “A Conversation with Daniel Libeskind”

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 | 4:00pm
Salomon Center for Teaching, De Ciccio Family Auditorium
Brown University

“I think architecture is a dialogue…. It’s not a monologue…. It’s a cultural medium. It has to be able to communicate.”

Daniel Libeskind is an international figure in architectural practice and urban design. With over forty projects worldwide, Libeskind’s practice extends from museums and concert halls to convention centers, universities, hotels, shopping centers, and residential projects.

In this conversation with Dietrich Neumann, professor of history of art and architecture at Brown University, Libeskind will discuss his design practice, his architectural philosophy, and some of his most important projects. A book signing will follow at the John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage.

Free and open to the public.

Sponsored by the John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage.

The Salomon Center is through the arch off Waterman at Brown Street, you can find it on the interactive campus map here.

Jef Nickerson

Jef is Greater City Providence's co-founder, editor, and publisher. He grew up on Cape Cod and lived in Boston; Portland, Maine; and New York before settling in Providence. In addition to urbanism, Jef is interested in art, design, and ice cream. Please feel free to contact Jef if you have any question or comments about Greater City Providence.


  • Daniel Libeskind is the guy who was fired from the Freedom Tower Project.

    Daniel Libeskind’s museum in Toronto was described by the Washington Post as “The most perverse and disastrous museum expansion in living memory.

    Daniel Libeskind paid another architectural firm to design his own apartment but lied to the New York Times and said he designed it himself.

    Daniel Libeskind is the guy who wrote the following “poetry” (See his asinine book Fishing from the Pavement.) – “Executives are praying to a chicken, confident of their brazen dream in which cherubs can not grieve but are instead forced to defecate on ruins in their doctor’s presence.”

  • While Mr. Libeskind is undoubtedly a controversial figure, I think your choice of username gets to the root of your issues with him, and frankly, it disgusts me.

  • “I think architecture is a dialogue…. It’s not a monologue…. It’s a cultural medium. It has to be able to communicate.”

    The only thing that his architecture communicates to me is “Look at me! I’m DIFFERENT!” I get the feeling that he likes to be different just for the sake of being different.

  • Jef Nickerson’s harsh reaction to someone called Adolph is very odd. Would he be similarly disgusted with the great Viennese architect Adolph Loos, or the great American painter Adolph Gottlieb, just because of their first names? Nickerson’s strident assertion that anyone who does not like Libeskind’s work must be anti-Semitic merely betrays Nickerson’s own deep-seated prejudices, and frankly, it disgusts me.

  • Well, considering they were both born before the 1940’s with the name Adolph, and neither are randomly posting vitriol on the interwebs; no, Jef Nickerson would not have a problem with them. Unless they were anti-semites as well.

    Also, “Adolph’s” email address betrays that that is indeed, not his name.

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