Greater City Providence

Fire on Federal Hill

Federal Hill Fire

Yesterday afternoon there was a small fire on at the corner of Spruce and Messenger Streets. This building is next to the Tuscan Social Club and I’m not sure, but may be owned by the Social Club.

Federal Hill Fire

Federal Hill Fire

Federal Hill Fire

Photos by Jef Nickerson

Could the building be saved? I’m no expert, but it barely was worth saving before the fire. If I were a betting man, I’d bet on a parking lot by the end of the week.

Jef Nickerson

Jef is Greater City Providence's co-founder, editor, and publisher. He grew up on Cape Cod and lived in Boston; Portland, Maine; and New York before settling in Providence. In addition to urbanism, Jef is interested in art, design, and ice cream. Please feel free to contact Jef if you have any question or comments about Greater City Providence.

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