Greater City Providence

Drivers are rude and pedestrians are idiots

Rude drivers in New York:

Idiot pedestrians in San Francisco:

It all looks a lot like Providence to me.

Jef Nickerson

Jef is Greater City Providence's co-founder, editor, and publisher. He grew up on Cape Cod and lived in Boston; Portland, Maine; and New York before settling in Providence. In addition to urbanism, Jef is interested in art, design, and ice cream. Please feel free to contact Jef if you have any question or comments about Greater City Providence.


  • Yeah, try crossing at the intersection of Atwells, Harris and Eagle. Or anyplace they allow right turn on red. Eliminate that provision and you’d improve pedestrian safety immensely.

    Now the most egregious incident that happened to me was being in the crosswalk on Sabin St. near the Dunkin Donuts Center and having a Providence cop, no lights, no sirens, blow through the cross walk.

    That was special.

  • I’ve had a generally good experience with cops (except for the one who didn’t realize there were 3 different rotations of lights at the Atwells/Dean intersection and flipped on his lights to get through).

    Pretty much anywhere on Atwells is tough for pedestrians, especially the intersection with Dean, and especially if you’re on the north side of Atwells crossing Dean. There are no walk lights. What that intersection could use is a dedicated pedestrian walk light that turns all the traffic lights red, similar to Atwells and DePasquale.

    On the flip side, Smith Street around the Chalkstone and Orms intersections shows some of the rudest pedestrians, who not only jaywalk, but practically stop in front of you as if you did something wrong by not assuming people crossed the street wherever the hell they wanted.

    I’ve also nearly hit people who jumped out into a crosswalk without looking both ways. Note to pedestrians: pause when you get beyond the parked cars to make sure no one is coming before you dart out into the street. I felt horrible because I am usually very aware of pedestrians, but if you just jump out from behind parked cars, I can’t see you.

    Other places that show idiotic pedestrians are anywhere near Thayer St (use the crosswalk and stop when there’s a big read hand or it says “Don’t Walk”) and Huxley Ave through PC.

  • Re: Idiot Thayer Street pedestrians. Overheard on Brown campus by a student giving a tour: “One of the other things you learn at Brown is how to jaywalk”. She said this as she lead a group of prospective students and their parents against the light with oncoming traffic. I sincerely wish that I was making that up.

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