Did everyone make it? Have enough bread? I slipped and slided through Downtown this morning:
Still the sidewalk clearing gold star winner, Angelo’s on Atwells at about 11:00am, snow still falling, sidewalk clear.
Bradford News Exchange hard at work shoveling.
A (White) Christmas Carol, Atwells near the arch.
LaSalle Square, this is right before I fell flat on my back.
See crews at The Dunk and the Convention Center were busily clearing snow. However, they had not salted yet and I went right down on the sidewalk. Coffee everywhere, my hat fell off…
Sidewalks Downcity were pretty good considering. Here on the back side of Union Station Plaza the sidewalk were clear, and if they weren’t yet, crews were working on it.
There was this weird yellow slushy goo floating on the river, kind of made me gag.
Union Station Plaza’s sidewalks were clear, the walkways around the Waterplace Residences were clear, but no city sidewalks in Waterplace are clear. Usually, this side of Waterplace is marked as closed for the winter.
Kennedy Plaza, the buses were running.
There would be free parking were it not for the fact that there is a parking ban.
So, the snow has not stopped yet, so I could give the benefit of the doubt. But seriously, when do we think this sidewalk will be clear, April? It is the Broadway Bridge by the way.
I just had to take a photo of this SUV because it is just such a CRAZY color.
Back to Dean Street, this ambulance almost ran me over later.
I took some video too, so there will likely be a snowvlog up later, stay tuned!
Don’t forget to share your photos with us. We’d love to post them here.
Did anyone ever find out who “owns” the overpasses over 95? is it the city or the state?
Great work Jef, more photos than the Journal.
I think the overpasses are owned by absentee slumlords in Florida.
Although these are awesome, the best picture would have been one of you after falling down.
But still, these are really great. Loved seeing them.
was RI in a state of emergency? I was busted and charged with operating an unregistered vehicle on south county trail in exeter. The vehicle was a 4×4 atv with a snowplow that I was driving home after plowing out several buried cars and parking spots for those cars.the reason I want to know if RI was in a state of emergency is I think my plowing atv is an emergency vehicle in a blizard therefore perfectly legal to operate on road thats covered in snow I have to apear in court feb 4th and I am trying to figure out if Im guilty of anything so I know how to plead.The atv is an off road vehicle therefore it can not be registered inRI. thanks
I don’t know if there was a state of emergency or not.
I don’t believe a state of emergency was ever declared.