Greater City Providence

City Plan Commission Meeting, April 12

City Plan Commission

TUESDAY, April 12, 2011, – 4:45 PM
Department of Planning and Development, 4th Floor Auditorium
400 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02903


  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of meeting minutes from March 15th 2011 – for action

1. Comprehensive Plan Update
Presentation of proposed updates to Providence Tomorrow: The Interim Comprehensive Plan based on the results of neighborhood charrettes and public input – for discussion

2. Case No. 10-030MI – 1144 Chalkstone Avenue
Subdivision of a lot measuring 6,870 SF into two lots measuring 3,835 SF and 3,021 SF – for action (AP 64 Lot 643, Mt. Pleasant)

3. Case No. 11-008MI – 432-436 Broadway and 5-7 Marshall Street
Subdivision of a nonconforming lot with two principal structures measuring 3,273 SF into two lots measuring 2,024 SF and 1,249 SF. Each lot will have one principal structure with an easement agreement for both lots – for action (AP 32 Lot 111, Federal Hill)

4. Major Change to Project 02-095MA – Rising Sun Mills
The applicant is proposing a major change to an approved project with the addition of 94 parking spaces in a mixed use development through addition of new parking area and restriping of existing spaces. On street spaces are included in the parking calculation. A continuance has been requested for this matter. (Valley)

5. Case No. 11-05MA – 50 Cedar Street
Construction of a new five story office building with internal parking on a site currently used as a parking lot. – for action (AP 26 Lot 182, Federal Hill)


The Google Machine seems to think that 50 Cedar Street, the proposed 5-story office building with internal parking on Federal Hill, is the parking deck at the corner of Bradford and Cedar. The Google Machine is not always right about these things, so we’ll try to confirm that.

Update: The Assessor Database has no listing for “50 Cedar Street.” 48 Cedar Street is the parking deck at Cedar and Bradford. Lot 182 extends along Cedar Street almost to Bond Street.

Greater City Providence

Promoting the smart urban growth of the Greater Providence region.

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