Monday, September 12, 2011 – 4:45pm
Department of Planning and Development
1st Floor Meeting Room
444 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02903
Opening Session
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Approval of Meeting Minutes of August 15, 2011
New Business
1. DRC Application No. 11.12: 90, 102 and 110 Westminster Street & 35 Weybosset Street (undeveloped lot with remaining façade of 35 Weybosset Street)
Proposal to relocate the structural steel supporting the Weybosset Street façade from the right-of-way to the interior of the lot, and to conduct repairs to the façade.
2. DRC Application No. 11.13: 170 Washington Street (parking lot) Proposal to install a painted mural on an adjacent brick wall facing Washington Street.
Swinging the bracing around back has been the main suggestion for preserving the 35 Weybosset façade for sometime. We gave some ideas for what to do a while ago, including leaving the bracing as is, and narrowing the street.
What I have been hearing is that the façade will be saved in exchange for parking, which is pretty much where we were on this two years ago. The owners sought DRC permission to demolish the façade and the DRC said no (with brilliant rebuttal from Committee Member Christine Malecki West). Basically they were told, ‘come back to us with a plan to save the façade and we’ll consider your application for parking.’ They never came back.
The 170 Washington Street lot I believe is the lot next to Coastway Bank (a.k.a. where Washington Trust used to be). The Shep Fairey mural on Aborn Street was originally supposed to be placed on AS220’s Mercantile Block, across Washington Street. My inderstanding is their were historic preservation issues that blocked that. I don’t imagine historic tax credits were used for the Coastway project.
ProJo, City approves “temporary” 2-year parking lot at 35 Weybosset/110 Westminster.
So, how many “temporary” parking lots do we have working for the city now? And how many of them have gone well past their 2 year “temporary” status?