Greater City Providence

City Plan Commission Meeting – February 28, 2012

Notice of Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 – 4:45pm
Department of Planning and Development
1st Floor Meeting Room
444 Westminster Street, Providence

Opening Session

  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of meeting minutes from January 24, 2012 meeting – for action

Minor Land Development Project

1. Case No. 12-02MI – 47 49 Seekonk Street (Preliminary Plan Approval) The applicant is seeking preliminary plan approval to demolish the existing building and construct a new 37 unit apartment building with underground and above ground parking. The applicant is requesting dimensional adjustments for height, density and setbacks. (Wayland, AP 15, Lots 248 and 250 – C-2. Lots 238 and 239 – W-1) – for action

Institutional Master Plan

2. Presentation of Butler Hospital’s five year Institutional Master Plan
Adoption of five year Institutional Master Plan for Butler Hospital outlining 5 year plans for development, capital improvements, operations and circulation – for action

Zoning Ordinance Changes

3. An Ordinance in Amendment of Chapter 27 of the Ordinances of the City of Providence Entitled “The City of Providence Zoning Ordinance” Approved June 27, 1994, as Amended, to Change Certain Text in Articles I, III, IV, V, VI, VII, X, and Appendix A to Revise the Regulations for Downtown; and to Revise the Zoning Map for Downtown. The Commission will discuss the demolition provisions of the proposed ordinance for further recommendations to the City Council – for discussion and action


Greater City Providence

Promoting the smart urban growth of the Greater Providence region.


  • The Katherine Gibbs School is loooong demolished and replaced by quite expensive (but nice) condos:

    47 Seekonk is essentially at the back of the Whole Foods there. I believe the property in question is sandwiched between two medical buildings, one an ugly surgicenter for RI Hospital, the other an ugly medical office building (also I think for sale). This will also border the back of “The Delano,” which was a nursing home but has now been redone as “luxury” apartment rentals across from East Side Market:

    37 units is quite substantial. My guess is that this would have to be the biggest residential development in Wayland Square since the early 20th century apartment buildings on Medway. There’s another, smaller apartment structure that’s going to be built on Pitman Street as well near East Side Market and a two unit townhouse going in on Pitman as well, so it’s reassuring there still so much residential activity in Wayland Square despite the economy.

  • Bye bye ugly medical building! There were previously rheumatology and (I think) endocrinology practices in that building and I heard many complaints about it. It will not be missed.