Notice of Regular Meeting
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 – 4:45pm
Department of Planning and Development
1st Floor Meeting Room
444 Westminster Street, Providence
Opening Session
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Approval of meeting minutes from April 16th and April 24th, 2012 meetings – for action
- Director’s Report
Minor Subdivision
1. Case No. 12-015MI – 157 Hope Street The applicant is seeking preliminary plan approval to subdivide the existing vacant lot measuring 4,038 SF, into two lots measuring 7,015 SF and 7,023 SF. (College Hill AP 13 Lot 204, R-1) – for action
City Council Referral
2. Referral 3346 Petition to amend the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan – PUBLIC HEARING The petitioner is requesting that the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan be amended so that the Neighborhood/Commercial land use designation is extended to encompass the area bounded by Cushing, Hope, Angell and Thayer Streets on Map 11.2 entitled “Future Land Use.” (College Hill) – for discussion and action
3. Referral 3347 – Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance Review of proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance including amending the zoning map to create the C-3 zone for mixed use transit oriented development, changes to dimensional and use regulations, signage and parking. The Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council – for discussion and action
Major Land Development Project
4. Case No. 12-014MA – Cedar Street Parking Structure The applicant is seeking Master Plan Approval to construct a two level parking structure with a total of 317 parking spaces. The structure will occupy the area between Brayton Street and 50 Cedar Street. A portion of Cedar Street and Bond Street is proposed for abandonment to provide access to the parking area. The applicant has proposed Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance amendments to accommodate the development. (Federal Hill AP 26 Lots 67, 166, 167, 171, 176, 178, 182, R-G and D-2) – for action.
See previous proposal: Building proposed at 50 Cedar Street
City Council Referral
5. Referral 3349 – Abandonment of a portion of Bond Street The applicant is seeking to abandon a portion of Bond Street approximately 100 feet in length, to provide access to a proposed parking lot. (Federal Hill) – for discussion
6. Referral 3350 – Abandonment of a portion of Cedar Street The applicant is seeking to abandon a portion of Cedar Street approximately 660 feet in length, to provide access to a proposed parking structure. (Federal Hill) – for discussion
7. Referral 3351 – Petition to amend the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan The petitioner is requesting that Map 11.2 of the Comprehensive Plan [.pdf] entitled “Future Land Use” be amended so that the Downtown/Mixed Use designation and Jobs District overlay encompasses lots 67, 178, 166, 167, 171, 176 and 375 on Plat 26. (Federal Hill) – for discussion and scheduling of public hearing
8. Referral 3352 – Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance The petitioner is requesting that the zoning map be amended to change the zoning of lots 67, 166, 167, 171, 176, 178 and a portion of lot 375 on Plat 26 from R-G to D-2. (Federal Hill) – for discussion
R-G General Residence District: This zone is intended for medium density residential areas comprised of structures containing single family dwelling inits, two family dwelling units, three family dwelling units and four of more family dwelling units located on lots with a minimum land area of 5,000 sq. feet and a minimum area of 2,000 sq. feet per dwelling unit.
D-2 Downtown – Mill District: This zone is intended to foster expansion of the downtown uses into former manufactoring areas in which commercial, retail, residential, and office uses are being introduced. A variety of business, financial, institutional, public, quasi-public, cultural, residential, light manufacturing and other related uses are encouraged to provide the mix of activities necessary to accomodate the growth of Downtown Providence.
First, I thought the office building at 50 Cedar was supposed to have it’s parking incorporated into the structure, so does this mean they’re abandoning the offices altogether, or is this an entirely separate development being built next to it? I guess I should assume the latter.
Second, I really don’t see why there would have to be an abandonment on either Bond or Cedar street. I can understand the desire from the developer’s point of view, but it seems to disregard the needs of the neighborhood.
This re-occuring street abandonment is more destructive to the city than surface parking lots.
The entire length of Cedar Street is about 410 feet as measured on google earth, not 660 feet as what is requested in the referral. A 100 foot length of Bond Street from measured from Cedar would make dead end streets out of both Jones and Mountain Streets. There are buildings that front onto Cedar and houses onto Bond. This makes no sense.
Is there a site plan available of the proposed 317 space parking structure?