RIPTA is seeking public input on their Comprehensive Operational Analysis. So far they’ve collected 10,000 surveys of riders by sending surveyors out to ride every route in their system. They also have an online version of the survey and are interested in hearing from both riders and non-riders.
RIPTA has initiated a statewide evaluation of our services called a Comprehensive Operational Analysis (or COA). This effort is intended to identify the strengths and weaknesses of our bus system, and to determine where we might redirect resources to better serve our customers and attract more riders to our network. We are looking for public input in two key ways:
- On-Line Travel Survey: In order to better understand local travel needs, where people need to go, and what type of services they desire, we have been surveying passengers on our buses. But we also hope to hear from those who don’t currently use our services. Please visit to read about the project and participate in our brief survey – available for both riders and non-riders. The survey will be available until October 12th.
- Comments on Specific RIPTA Services: We are also conducting a detailed assessment of each of our 58 bus routes and 8 Flex routes to determine which services are working well, and where we might redirect resources to better serve your travel needs. We hope that RIPTA riders will visit the RIPTA Featured Project page on our website to review potential changes that have been suggested for each route, and to share ideas of their own. Routes are being posted as they are ready, if you don’t see your route, keep checking, all will be up in the next few weeks. You can also make General Comments about RIPTA programs and services.
With your help, RIPTA can better design our statewide transit network to support our passengers and attract more riders.
Thank you!
Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
I went ahead and submitted some of my general comments, and then I took the survey.
I might go back and add some more comments. There’s a lot more I didn’t get to talking about.
I strongly recommend that everyone take the survey as well as submit comments. I just finished doing those things just now.