This week on Executive Suite: Colin Kane, chairman of the I-195 Redevelopment District Commission, and Jan Brodie, the commission’s newly named executive director.
[…]Kane and Brodie discuss the commission’s role in redeveloping the land, their vision for the area and their estimates of how long it will take to make significant progress. They also tackle questions about the interim use of the land and the possible broader impact on Rhode Island’s economy.
I have an idea – we need the legislature to yank the tax giveaways from Fidelity, Bank of America, Citizens et al and maybe invest in the nascent tech sector that already exists here in Providence and RI in general.
In fact – how about give some money and a facility to the Retro Computing Society of RI so they can have a PERMANENT home for their collection and a public display space. Setup a geek lab – patterned on The Geek Group in Grand Rapids, MI. Work with the schools with tech programs to setup business incubators.
While I do not live in the Jewelry District anymore, my former spouse and I were urban pioneers who lived, worked and raised our two children there from the 70s to the present (one son still lives/works there). All residents and businesses in Providence have a vested interest in the very best decisions that have been made and will be made by the I-195 Commission, Colin Kane and Jan Brodie. As Providence is the capital city, all Rhode Islanders are directly and/or indirectly influenced by this Commission. Think of it as the “wave effect” – after all Rhode Island is the “Ocean State” – yes? Thank you to Ted Nesi, as always.
What say you, please?