Image from Bing Maps
The city is proposing to move the two “eastern-most shelters” to a sidewalk of vacant land owned by the Providence Redevelopment Agency, an arm of the city’s Department of Planning and Development, on Exchange Street. The triangle-shaped, grass area next to the downtown post office is bordered by Exchange Terrace, Exchange Street and Memorial Boulevard.
In hopes of starting a discussion about KP and the center of our transit system I’ll offer these thoughts:
how is moving 2 bus stops (out of the 20 or so now) away from the Plaza to a less convenient location for passengers going to make much difference in the scheme of things, including the number of passengers hanging around?
if the city was serious about making Kennedy Plaza a grand people-pedestrian oriented square, why are they insisting on keeping Washington St open for east-bound thru traffic when there will be 2 other eastbound routes on both the north side (when it goes 2-way) and south side (Fulton St) I guess the poor dears who want to drive quickly thru the plaza can’t be beothered by having to drive around the square though bus passengers can be asked to trudsge thru Burnside Park in all kinds of weather and darkness to access a bus stop in a more remote location)
Instead of moving the heavy shelters at considerable cost, why not construct better shelters that provide more protection from wind/rain as well as bus info, maps of the area etc?
why can’t the city see its transit access from all directions (including expanded commuter rail) as an asset no other RI location has, an asset that should be improved and promoted (especially as it will never be able to compete with suburban locations for ease and low cost of parking)?