Conceptual design of pavilion on West Side park.
[alert type=”muted”]A meeting of the I-195 Redevelopment District Commission will be held at Rhode Island Commerce Corporation, 315 Iron Horse Way, Providence, Rhode Island, on MONDAY, JUNE 30, 2014, beginning at 5 P.M., for the following purposes[/alert]
I. Public Session
Call to Order: The Chairperson
- Welcome by Chairperson: Chairperson Colin Kane.
- Executive Director’s Report – Review of Activities in Past Two Weeks and Proposed Future Activities.
- Presentation by CDR Maguire of West Side Park, East Side Park and Pedestrian Bridge Design Plans and Discussion.
- Discussion of Latest Interim Use Submissions for District Property and Vote to Select Interim Installations.
- Discussion of Pending Liquor License Applications for New Nightclubs Near District Property and Vote Regarding Position of District with Respect to Those Applications.
- Discussion and Review of Proposals to Purchase and Develop District Property.
- Chairman’s Report – Review of Activities in Past Two Weeks and Proposed Future Activities/ Tentative Agenda for July 21, 2014 Meeting.
- Vote to Adjourn.
II. Executive Session
To consider and act upon such matters as may be considered at a meeting closed to the public pursuant to Rhode Island General Laws, Section 42-46-5(a) (the Open Meetings Law), specifically matters permitted to be so considered under subsection (5) (acquisition and disposition of public property).
III. Public Session
East Side Park Design
Find further items related to this meeting and minutes of past meetings on the 195 District website.[/alert]
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