Greater City Providence

WPRI: Downtown parks, pedestrian bridge on track after setbacks


Plans to build two public parks and a pedestrian bridge in downtown Providence have resumed now that a proposal for a waterfront baseball stadium has fallen through.

State and city officials say they’re refocusing on developing the land, which was cleared after Interstate 195 was relocated. The project, which includes building a pedestrian bridge across the Providence River with a park on each side, has faced several setbacks.

On again, off again, on again…

Greater City Providence

Promoting the smart urban growth of the Greater Providence region.


  • Another example of federal controls based on highway money…that is a requirement for the west side park.

    That LAST thing Providence needs is another park full of non-productive people. Now we will have 103 parks!! I welcome the small town folks who live in PVD to move to PSM (Portsmouth).

    The bridge, of course, is a good idea if it is not done cheaply.

  • Is there going to be storage for kayaks/canoes/small watercraft near this bridge? It would add some traffic 8 months out of the year. Kayakers should be able to travel between Olneyville and the Hurricane Barrier, from the east side along India Point into the Inner River area all the way up to the Marriott. The river is an incredible resource that we don’t use nearly enough.