Greater City Providence

Capital Center Commission Meeting – April 13, 2016

[alert type=”muted”]Capital Center Commission Meeting Notice
Wednesday, APRIL 13, 2016 – 12:00 Noon
Doorley Municipal Building
444 Westminster Street, 1st Floor Conference Room Providence, RI 02903[/alert]


  1. Roll Call
  2. Minutes
    2.1 Approval of Commission Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2016 and March 9, 2016
    2.2 Acceptance of Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2015 and February 16, 2016
  3. Parcels 10 and 13: Providence Place Mall
    Request for approval of Phases 2 and 3 of the proposed improvement plan for sidewalk and landscape modifications along the mall’s frontage on Francis Street, and proposed changes to the former JC Penny building façade (south elevation) and Park Street and Hayes Street garage entrances. Phase 1 of the improvement plan was approved by the Commission at the March 9, 2016 meeting.
  4. Adjournment
[alert type=”muted”]Agenda [/alert]

Greater City Providence

Promoting the smart urban growth of the Greater Providence region.

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