Greater City Providence

Capital Center Commission Meeting – November 9, 2016

[alert type=”muted”]Capital Center Commission Meeting
Wednesday, November 9, 2016 – 12:00 noon
Doorley Municipal Building
444 Westminster Street, 1st Floor Conference Room Providence, RI 02903[/alert]


  1. 1. Roll Call
  2. 2. Minutes
    Meetings of June 15, 2016 and July 27, 2016
  3. 3. State Parking Study
    Presentation by Gerald Salzman of Desman Parking Specialists on the progress of the parking study.
  4. 4. Chairman’s Report
  5. 5. Adjournment
[alert type=”muted”]Agenda [/alert]

Greater City Providence

Promoting the smart urban growth of the Greater Providence region.


  • Info about the parking study can be found here:

    The purpose of the study is:

    To examine and identify the State’s existing approach to the provision of parking at or near State-owned properties in the Study Area. Provide insight into State’s existing policy for providing parking to the stakeholders listed in the above item.

    To examine and identify the approach of other organizations to provision of parking at or near their principal places of business (in similarly sized metropolitan areas). An emphasis should be placed on those entities of a similar scale and mission to that of the State of Rhode Island. Identify and explain the policies of these entities for providing parking to their employees, clients and the general public.

    To examine alternative transportation options available throughout the Study Area which may reduce future dependency on surface parking, garage parking and on-street parking.

    To examine the uses of all parcels within the Study Area (which includes lot #s 143-148, 151, 153, 155 of plat #4 as previously stated) with attention to all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including R. I. Gen. Laws § 36-6-21.1 (concerning reduction of “drive alone” commuting) and R. I. Gen Laws § 42-6.2- 3(3) (concerning climate change), so as to develop a plan parking demand management throughout the study area, with the intent of striking a balance among parking demand, parking supply, and reduction of reliance of personal motor vehicles.

    To make recommendations for implementation of the demand management plan.”

Providence, RI
6:41 am5:17 pm EST
Feels like: 34°F
Wind: 6mph W
Humidity: 97%
Pressure: 29.69"Hg
UV index: 1
32°F / 16°F
32°F / 27°F
36°F / 21°F