Greater City Providence

Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – May 16, 2018

[alert type=”muted” heading=”Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting”]Wednesday, May 16, 2018 – 4:45pm
Doorley Municipal Building
444 Westminster Street, First Floor, Providence, RI 02903
Agenda [/alert]
  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of April 10, 2018 Meeting Minutes (For Action)
  3. Overview of Commission Review Procedure (For Discussion)
  4. Capital Improvement Program Contract 1 30% Review – Mount Pleasant, Elmhurst, Wanskuck, Charles – Wards 4, 5, 12, 14 (For Action) — The City of Providence Department of Planning and Development seeks comments from the BPAC regarding the conceptual plans for Contract 1 of the City’s Capital Improvement Program. These 17 repaving projects were selected based on pavement condition and geographic diversity. This will be a design level review of the project and will be the second of two reviews before the Commission.
  5. Bike Share Station Draft Map Review – Hope, Mount Hope, Blackstone, Wayland, College Hill, Fox Point, Downtown, Smith Hill, Wanskuck, Valley, Federal Hill, West End, Upper South Providence, Lower South Providence, Elmwood, Washington Park – Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 (For Action) — The City of Providence Department of Planning and Development seeks comments from the BPAC regarding the draft map of locations for the City’s new bike share system. This will be the second of two reviews before the Commission.
  6. Announcements and Staff Updates (For Discussion)
  7. Adjournment
[alert type=”warning”]Full disclosure: I am a member of this commission.[/alert]

Jef Nickerson

Jef is Greater City Providence's co-founder, editor, and publisher. He grew up on Cape Cod and lived in Boston; Portland, Maine; and New York before settling in Providence. In addition to urbanism, Jef is interested in art, design, and ice cream. Please feel free to contact Jef if you have any question or comments about Greater City Providence.


  • Has the draft map been made public? Is it safe to assume that if a ward is listed that the draft map would include a station in that ward?

  • I have not received that Staff Report yet, they are usually posted here prior to the meetings.

    This first phase of the bike share program has funding tied to the Downtown Transit Connector project. The station locations have to be in a geographic ring around the Connector. If the ring is stretched one way, it needs to be shrunk in the opposite direction. I.E., if it is stretched north to Wanskuck, Washington Park might have to be cut off toward the south…

    I think just because a neighborhood/ward is listed on this agenda, does not necessarily mean it will get a station (at least not in this first phase). If I get more information before the meeting, I’ll try to post it.

  • Thanks, Jef! I’m not an avid cyclist but I’m holding out hope for a station in Washinfotn Park or South Elmwood so I can take advantage of the new-ish bike lanes in Roger Williams Park. It would also be nice to be able to use the Narragansett Blvd/Allen’s Ave bike lanes to get downtown as a RIPTA alternative.

Providence, RI
Light Snow
6:39 am5:20 pm EST
Feels like: 18°F
Wind: 7mph E
Humidity: 98%
Pressure: 30.13"Hg
UV index: 0
41°F / 25°F
32°F / 16°F
27°F / 12°F