Greater City Providence

Providence City Plan Commission Meeting – March 19, 2019

[alert type=”muted” heading=”Providence City Plan Commission Notice of Regular Meeting”]Wednesday, March 19, 2019, 4:45pm
Joseph Doorley Municipal Building, 1st Floor Meeting Room 444 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02903

Agenda [/alert]

cpc-roundOpening Session
  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of minutes from the February 12, 2019 cancelled CPC meeting
  • Approval of minutes from the February 19, 2019 CPC meeting
  • Director’s Report
Request for Extension

Building currently approved for this location. Rendering by Northeast Collaborative Architects

1. Case No. 16-051 MA – 434 Atwells Ave – Applicant: 434 Atwells Realty LLC – The applicant is requesting a one year extension of the vesting of the preliminary plan approval for the subject land development project – for action (AP 28 Lot 150; AP 33 Lot 508, Federal Hill)

[alert type=”info” heading=”Note”]This is reference to the Atwells at Knight proposal. This parcel is currently for sale but the CPC approval would carry over to any new owner. The existing approval potentially makes the parcel more valuable as it would allow a new owner to build without having to go to CPC again (if they built the approved building).[/alert]
Minor Subdivision

2. Case No. 19-014MI – 59 Williams Street and 6 John Street – Applicant: Allen and Ann Pipkin – The applicant is requesting to subdivide 59 Williams Street (18,059 SF) and 6 John Street (5,124 SF) into three lots that will measure 7,603 SF, 8,081 SF and 7,535 SF upon subdivision – for action (College Hill)

City Council Referral

3. Referral No. 3446 – Abandonment of a portion of Fones Alley – Petitioner: Brown University – The petitioner is requesting to abandon a portion of Fones Alley between Waterman and Angell Streets – for action (College Hill)

Institutional Master Plan

4. Brown University Institutional Master Plan Amendment – The amendment to Brown University’s institutional master plan will focus on a modification to the proposed wellness center and improvements to certain athletic facilities on campus. The amendment also includes information on changes in land holdings and updates on projects – for action (College Hill)

City Council Referral

5. Referral No. 3447 – Amendment of use standard for dwellings in the R-1 and R-1A zones – Petitioner: Soltani Family Limited Partnership – The petitioner is requesting to amend Section 1202 L of the ordinance by adding the provision that a building in the R-1 and R-1A zone may be altered to provide two or more dwelling units provided that 5,000 SF of space is provided for every dwelling unit in the R-1 zone and 7,500 SF of space is provided for every dwelling unit in the R-1A zone – for action

Minor Subdivision – Unified Development Review – Public Hearing

6. Case no. 19-013 UDR – 298 Hope Street and 373 Thayer Street – Applicant: Daniel Stone – The applicant is proposing to subdivide the subject lot, which measures 5,191 SF, into two lots measuring approximately 2,444 SF and 2,746 SF which will result in each building on a separate lot. The lot is zoned R-3 under a historic district overlay and occupied by two buildings. The applicant is requesting dimensional relief from table 4-1 of the zoning ordinance for the following: Minimum lot area, minimum lot width, total impervious surface, maximum impervious surface coverage – front yard and maximum impervious surface coverage – rear yard. Relief from the side yard setback and rear yard setback is also requested.

The applicant may request waivers from the Preliminary Plan submission requirements at the meeting – for action (AP 11 Lot 113, College Hill)

Land Development Project Public Informational Meeting

7. Case no. 19-011MA – 115 Dupont Drive – Applicant: Item Realty LLC and TEG Realty LLC – The subject property is composed of two lots and the applicant is proposing to reuse the existing building as a goods redistribution center. The project requires land development approval as over 10,000 SF of paving and over 50 new parking spaces are proposed. The site is zoned M-1 and the applicant is seeking master plan approval – for action (AP 27 Lots 297 and 298, Valley)


Jef Nickerson

Jef is Greater City Providence's co-founder, editor, and publisher. He grew up on Cape Cod and lived in Boston; Portland, Maine; and New York before settling in Providence. In addition to urbanism, Jef is interested in art, design, and ice cream. Please feel free to contact Jef if you have any question or comments about Greater City Providence.

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