Transportation Attorney General’s Office excited to announce it will now be more difficult for people without cars to access services Jef NickersonJuly 19, 2018
Transportation R.I. economy needs investment in modern and efficient transportation infrastructure Liam BlankJuly 6, 2017
#WALKinPVD ProJo: Woman seriously injured after being struck by car while crossing Phenix Ave. in Cranston Greater City ProvidenceFebruary 27, 2016
#WALKinPVDFatalityOutside ProvidencePedestrian Struck ProJo: Pedestrian killed in Cranston intersection Monday night Jef NickersonDecember 2, 2014
#WALKinPVDOutside ProvidencePedestrian Struck WPRI: Pedestrian hit by car, 4th in RI this week Greater City ProvidenceSeptember 18, 2013
EnvironmentWeather Repost: Seeking a solution (to flooding and beach closures) Jef NickersonJuly 31, 2013
Metro Transit StudyRIPTATransportation A proposal for the Core Connector and a Frequent Service network Jef NickersonDecember 7, 2010
DevelopmentGovernment Cranston City Council Resolution passed in regards to the proposed CVS in Edgewood Jef NickersonJune 29, 2010