Greater City Providence

Farmer’s Market: Davis Park

Davis Park
Photo by M.Coolidge

Last weekend, I went to my first Providence farmer’s market. Yeah, I’m a little late to this party, but now that there is a farmer’s market in my neighborhood, I really had no excuse. My girlfriend and I biked down the street to the newly improved Davis Park where the Elmhurst Clean and Green folks sponsor the market.
We bought some delicious veggies, tasted some yummy samples, and listened to live music. In addition, there were folks selling flowers and pumpkins.

Recently, Elmhurst Clean and Green organized not only a cleanup of the park, but installation of playground equipment and community garden space.
Davis ParkPlaygroundMarketMarket
Images from flickr: Elmhurst Clean and Green

The farmer’s market continues Sundays 10am-1pm (TODAY!) through October 25th at Davis Park off Chalkstone Ave near the intersection of Oakland Ave/Raymond St. (RIPTA 56)

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Matthew Coolidge

Matthew Coolidge is co-founder of Greater City Providence. In addition to the occasional blog post about cycling, sailing, or urban rant, he works as an Electrical Engineer, often traveling to major cities and ports around the globe, or simply Warwick.

1 comment

  • This was also the first farmers market in Providence that I had been to, and I’ll be honest, it’s because of the convenience. Being on a Sunday and not far from my house, I had no reason to not go. Unfortunately, I have only been to 1 of them (the first one), though I think we’re gonna head down there soon for today’s.