TUESDAY, JULY 20, 2010 – 4:45 PM
Department of Planning and Development, 4th Floor Auditorium
400 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02903OPENING SESSION
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of meeting minutes from June 15th 2010- for actionCITY COUNCIL REFERRAL
1. Referral 3330 – Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance to permit
outdoor seating in the D-1 Zone
Petition to permit outdoor seating in the D-1 Zone regardless of whether seating is provided indoors. – for action. (Downcity)
The D-1 Zone is:
D-1 Downtown|Central Business District. This zone is intended to encourage revitalization and restoration of the historic core business area and to accommodate appropriate expansion of the downtown area. A variety of business, financial, institutional, public, quasi-public, cultural, residential, and other related uses are encouraged in the downtown area. Compatible and appropriate mixed uses are encouraged to promote commercial, retail and other business activity at street levels; residential, retail, and office uses on the upper floors; and to preserve and foster the economic vitality of the downtown. See Downcity District overlay zone for additional regulations.
Agenda continued:
2. Referral 3331 – Petition to rezone Lots 520, 159, 158, 539 and 540 on Asessor’s Plat 28 from R-3 to C-1
The applicant wishes to rezone the aforementioned lots commonly known as 386
Atwells Avenue, 388-390 Atwells Avenue, 4-6 Hewett Street and 8-10 Hewett Street from R-3 to C-1. – for action. (Federal Hill)ADJOURNMENT
The R-3 Zone is:
R-3 Three-Family District. This zone is intended for medium and low density residential areas comprised of structures containing single-family dwelling units, two-family dwelling units and three-family dwelling units located on lots with a minimum land area of five thousand (5,000) square feet and a minimum land area of two thousand (2,000) square feet per dwelling unit.
The C-1 Zone is:
C-1 Limited Commercial District. This zone is intended for neighborhood commercial/residential areas that primarily serve local neighborhood needs for convenience retail, services and professional office establishments.
In theory, commercial development on Hewett Street is not a bad idea, but it would certainly be nice to know what the plan was before approving the zoning change. I guess I’ll be attending this meeting.
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