Notice Of Regular Meeting • Monday, August 16, 2010 4:45 PM
Department of Planning and Development, 4th Floor Auditorium
400 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02903
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Approval of Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2010
New Business
1. DRC Application No. 10.17, 15 LaSalle Square
Proposal to replace the existing glass entryway with a new glass entryway system.
2. DRC Application No. 10.18, 3-9 Steeple Street
Proposal to install new tenant signage on the building.
3. DRC Application No. 10.16, One, Two & Three Regency Plaza (Public Hearing)
The subject of the hearing will be an application by Regency Plaza LLC, requesting waivers of DRC Regulations limiting the maximum total area of all signs and prohibiting internally illuminated signs. The applicant is proposing to install new signage at the Regency Plaza Complex.
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