Ugh, I am sick today, snowblogging will be light as I sit at home and sniffle. I’m looking out the window, when it let’s up I may try a run to Walgreen’s (if they are open) for some medication:
Readers are filling in the snowblogging gaps, submit your photos to our Flickr Group or email them to
These photos are from early this morning from reader Jim Beller:
RIPTA was running early this morning.
Matthew Coolidge added these photos to our Flickr Group this morning:
Terrible news out of Cranston this morning as the Edgewood Yacht Club burns down. Video from WPRI:
3 alarm fire at Edgewood Yacht Club:
Better news, Mayor Taveras has been out all night with Public Works crews Twittering and Facebooking progress. I asked him about sidewalks last night via Twitter, this was his reply:
@gcpvd Very important to get sidewalks cleaned. Big issue is plowed and shoveled snow getting dumped on sidewalks. Team is on the lookout.
Good answer!
As I sit home and sniffle and eat Ricolas, Ted Nesi is live blogging the hell out of this storm over at WPRI, check him out.
Sheila Lennon is watching branches fall at her home. Heavy snow, careful shoveling everyone.
The Warwick Beacon has more photos of the Edgewood fire on their Facebook page.
It’s always sad when a historic building is lost for whatever reason, but this one’s especially hard to swallow for me (and I think a lot of people). My parents got married there, and I spent time there as a kid. Very special place. Edgewood will not be the same at all without it.
a huge blow for marine people, and cranston and the bay and preservationists with the loss of the beloved edgewood yacht club. Good friends of mine were married there and I have always loved the building. 🙁