Living Car-Free in a Food Desert [Women’s Health News]
Until I started trying it myself, I honestly did not understand why food deserts are defined in such a short radius – surely people 1-2 miles from a grocery story, even without a car, can’t really have *that* hard a time getting to food, right?
Transit and a shrinking U.S. government [Human Transit]
The recent “deal” intended to cut the US Federal deficit looks like it can only lead to further cuts in Federal spending on almost everything.
Cities, in general, require higher levels of infrastructure, and a range of other spending, than the country as a whole. So the further Federal budget cutting to come is likely to mean further damage to essential services in cities, including public transit. While a powerful cadre of urban economists and thinkers are ready to make the case that the city is essential to the economy of the nation, and the battle for continued Federal funding may well be won, cities and local governments, including transit agencies, should clearly be strategizing for the possibility of permanent decline in Federal investment.
The comments are where this post gets interesting, read those.
SFMTA’s New Chief Doesn’t Own a Car, Commutes [Transportation Nation]
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s new chief Ed Reiskin, does not own a car. So, what kinds of transportation might his focus be?
Debate intensifies over bike-ped issues [New Urban Network]
Disagreement over how to make communities more bike-friendly – without detracting from pedestrian life – cropped up in June when more than 1,100 people gathered for CNU’s 19th annual congress.
Great articles, thanks for sharing.
I think it is interesting to look at the differing neighborhoods in Providence and think about the concept of “food deserts.” The Eastside has Eastside Marketplace and TWO Whole Foods, Smith Hill has Aldi’s and shares Price-Rite with Federal Hill, as well as a Stop and Shop (kind of). Elmhurst has Shaws. South Prov and the West Side are pretty scarce if you are looking for big box stores, but have some smaller markets.
Then there are the farmer’s markets where people can get fresh food: Lippit and Brown (Eastside). Davis Park (Smith). BroadST, Armory, and Hartford Ave (mostly West End).
As someone whoresides on Smith Hill and commutes via RIPTA/walking/biking, I would say it IS difficult to get food, especially in the winter. The uncleared sidewalks and slippery dark streets do not make for very condusive grocery bag carrying sessions. It is great that at least RIPTA goes to the Stop N Shop over on Manton. I am sympathetic to those in the South/West End though, as I’ve seen some taking multiple buses to get groceries.
That looks like “whore sides” but actually it is “who resides,” my bad.
I wouldn’t even consider the Price Rite to be Smith Hill. And the Stop & Shop, is that the one on Manton Ave? That’s even less Smith Hill, but it’s not far from Elmhurst or Mount Pleasant. At least the Price Rite and Stop & Shop are serviced pretty frequently by RIPTA.
There’s a farmer’s market on Smith St at Fargnoli Park in Elmhurst. It’s no longer in Davis Park. They couldn’t get enough patrons at that location, but Fargnoli Park isn’t too much farther.
Yeah, you are right, I guess I was just considering them because they are “easily” (ahah easily… right) accessed by Smith Hill.