There’s no information to go with this video on YouTube, but apparently it is a camera strapped to a model airplane. Pretty cool!
Update: I got an email from Nicholas Lin who created this video. He provided a link to a video shot with a better camera and some info on his process:
The plane is flown birds eye view. I have a camera on the plane that records as well as sends live video to a set of video goggles that I wear to fly. It’s amazing to be able to see Providence from that perspective. I live on the East Side of Providence and love the city!
I can see coffee exchange from up there.
I actually was the one who filmed that short clip. Here’s another one that I took from the same spot.
If you look on the page there are other aerial videos on the links.
Providence looks great from that point of view.
Thanks for sharing it, it is really fun to see the city that way.
I was surprised to find it up on this web page. I had a friend tell me that it was posted up here. I’m live on the East Side of Providence and have always wanted to get an aerial of the city. I like the open area there. I wish they could put some grass over there.
The plane was flown birds eye view. There is a camera on the nose of the plane that sends me video transmission to a set of video goggles. A GoPro was used to film the first one and a GoPro 2 was used to film the link I have posted on my previous post.
Glad you enjoyed it.