Late last year the City planted trees along Weybosset at PPAC Square. Including a set of little Christmas tree evergreens in the planters along the west side of Weybosset Street. Yesterday, the Christmas trees were out.
I’m told they will replanted at Bucklin Park tomorrow during an Earth Day ceremony today as part of an Arbor Day event, yay.
New permanent trees will be planted on Weybosset Street soon.
There is a long row of evergreens along Allens Ave blocking the view of the scrap metal pile from the road. Unfortunately, if you’re biking/walking by, they don’t block the smell.
I wish there were more trees along here.
Also on Weybosset, lddana51two shares in our Flickr Group a photo of the tower from the old Comfort Station being restored.
Photo © lddana51two