Monday, February 11, 2013 – 4:45pm
Department of Planning and Development, 1st Floor Conference Room 444 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02903[/alert]
Opening Session
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Approval of Meeting Minutes of October 15, 2012 and November 5, 2012
- Acceptance of DDRC 2013 Meeting Schedule
- Annual Election of Vice Chair
New Business
1. Pre-Application Review: 131-171 Canal Street (parking lot) Proposal to construct a new 10-story apartment building on the site. This item is for discussion only. No action will be taken by the DRC at this meeting.
A new building in Providence that won’t be destroying an existing building?! Be still, my heart!
…and on an existing parking lot too. Wow.
Seriously, this would be a great development for the city and this specific location between the business areas, the Universities, and transit (rail and ripta).
Yes, yes and yes!
That area of the city needs more density. Can’t wait to see the proposal.
Projo has a story on this:
I assume this is a bad sign that it was canceled?
I’d guess that the meeting was cancelled more because of the storm coming and the need for the agenda to be advertised for a certain amount of time or something than anything else…
Or I could be wrong. I didn’t read the whole (very short) article.
My assumption was storm too.
Well thats good if the case. I’d love to see a rendering and how it will tie in and change the surrounding area.
Stay safe with the storm everyone!