Greater City Providence

RIPTA schedule redesign


RIPTA is in the midst of redesigning their schedules in time for launch when service changes take effect this fall. They have several designs they are currently considering. Visit RIPTA’s website to see all the designs and make comments.

Also, I will make sure any comments made here are brought to RIPTA’s attention.

Jef Nickerson

Jef is Greater City Providence's co-founder, editor, and publisher. He grew up on Cape Cod and lived in Boston; Portland, Maine; and New York before settling in Providence. In addition to urbanism, Jef is interested in art, design, and ice cream. Please feel free to contact Jef if you have any question or comments about Greater City Providence.


  • Frequent bus riders who know where they’re going and what they’re doing are the ones who benefit the most from having random intersections listed context-free under Major Stops – e.g. “Meridian & Smith.” What?? I’ve never been to this part of the city, I’m just trying to get to La Salle, where’s that? Clearly it’s not an unwillingness to label landmark buildings on the schedules since Providence Place is listed prominently on the example map with the attendant intersection there an afterthought in parentheses.

    Now, maybe it’s just me, but I think we should be designing our schedules with first-time riders and newcomers to Providence in mind. People who are going to benefit more from having the new Route 1 schedule list major stops such as Hasbro Children’s Hospital / Rhode Island Hospital or the Providence Community Library – not “Eddy & Blackstone” or “Hope & Rochambeau.” The actual intersection can be easily listed in parentheses after the major landmark, if there is one.

  • Good point, Ryan. I would take your comment about landmarks one step further. Why not have a schedule just for landmarks/attractions/large employers etc? It would have the landmark name and the route that serves it. It would make it easy for them to find out what bus to take and would save riders a lot of time fumbling through the multitude of route number schedules.

  • Another interesting thing I’ve noted on RIPTA buses is the stop announcement systems only do MAJOR stops. That’s when the driver turns it on.

    Went out to Warwick, RI on the #3 Warwick Ave bus today and it was announcing the major stops as well as displaying them on the banner display.

    Came back on the #20 Elmwood bus and the display only showed current date and time.

    I also note on the buses equipped with the new displays the “stop requested’ is delayed by about 1.5 seconds between the time you pull the cord and the time the system displays and announces it. That’s sort of unacceptable.