This morning, the Broadway Bridge sidewalk was clear of snow and ice and mostly dry. Hooray! But, as seen in the photo above, the abutter on the corner felt that shoveling all the way to the corner was not quite their responsibility (which is annoying as just behind me as I took the photo their sidewalk was clear and dry). You can also see in the photo a pile of detritus between the cleared sidewalk and the crosswalk. Not too much of a challenge for me to conquer but try it in a wheelchair or pushing a stroller or using a walker…
Then there’s this:
Looking up the Service Road from Broadway one can see that as always, Dominica Manor has done a terrific job with their sidewalks, with them being clear and dry. However, no one has decided to be responsible for the triangular traffic island at the end of Federal Street. And this condition persists at all traffic islands in the area. With some effort, a pedestrian can make it from the west side of the Broadway Bridge to the downtown side (depending on which way they approach it from), but once across the bridge a pedestrian is confronted with iced over traffic islands that no one cares to clear.
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