Over the past year, the City of Providence has been working on its Sustainability Plan. The City has released a draft of that plan and is seeking comment from the public. From the City:
From Mayor Taveras: Draft Sustainable Providence Plan Released for Public Comment
I am pleased to release for public comment a draft of the city’s first-ever sustainability action plan, Sustainable Providence.
In 2013, I released sustainability goals to move Providence forward in six key areas: waste, food, transportation, water, energy, and land use & development. Since then, more than 100 community leaders have worked with my staff to develop and provide feedback on this draft plan to achieve our goals.
Implementing this plan will help build a resilient and sustainable future for Providence as we protect our environment, rebuild our economy and strengthen our community. Thank you for working together with us to create a cleaner, greener city.
Please submit your comments by Friday, August 22, 2014 to Sheila Dormody, Director of Sustainability, sdormody@providenceri.com
[alert type=”success”] City of Providence draft Sustainability Plan [/alert] [alert type=”warning”]Full disclosure: I participated on the Transportation Subcommittee[/alert]
Really? Releasing a Sustainability Plan just a few months before the election? I know that bureaucracy takes time, but this much time? This just smacks of electioneering PR and that is very disappointing for Providence. It wouldn’t really take that much for Providence to be the greenest capital city in the country, but this document which will be basically useless when a new Mayor (which is a certainty since the old mayor is movin’ on up) comes in seems like it might have been a colossal waste of time.
My thoughts on land use so far (still reading up on the transportation section):
Part 2: Transportation: http://transportprovidence.blogspot.com/2014/08/part-2-providence-sustainability-plan.html