Tuesday, April 28, 2015 – 4:45pm
444 Westminster Street, First Floor[/alert]
Opening Session
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Approval of minutes from February 24, 2015 meeting – for action
- Approval of minutes from March 17, 2015 meeting – for action
- Director’s Report
Major Land Development Project – Public Hearing
1. Case No. 14-038MA – 181 Corliss Street (Preliminary Plan Approval) – The applicant is seeking preliminary plan approval to construct a four story, 124 room extended stay hotel on the former site of an abandoned Postal Service building. The lot measures approximately 2.01 acres. The applicant is seeking a waiver from the requirement that all state permits be acquired by the preliminary plan stage. Public comment will be taken. Continued from the February 24 meeting – for action (AP 74 Lot 376, Mt. Hope)
City Council Referral
2. Referral 3389—Amendment to Port Redevelopment Plan – The amendment proposes to change the boundaries of the redevelopment area by removing two properties. The amendment will be reviewed for conformance with the Comprehensive Plan – for action (Lower South Providence)
Minor Subdivision
3. Case No. 15-013MI – 25 Winona Street – The applicant is proposing to subdivide a lot measuring 9,600 SF into two lots measuring 4,800 SF each. The proposal requires zoning relief as the lot is located in an R-1 zone with a minimum lot size requirement of 5,000 SF – for action (AP 124 Lot 144, Elmhurst)
Institutional Master Plan
4. Providence College Institutional Master Plan Amendment – The applicant, Providence College (PC) is amending their master plan to include the construction of a three story parking deck with tennis courts on the third level – for action (Elmhurst)
[alert type=”muted”]Agenda [/alert]
ProJo: Providence Plan Commission supports PC garage plan, reuse of school site