Tuesday, August 15, 2017 – 4:45pm
Joseph Doorley Municipal Building, 1st Floor Meeting Room 444 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02903[/alert]
Proposed building at 1292 Westminster Street, 4th item on the Agenda. Rendering by ZDS.
Opening Session
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Approval of minutes from July 18, 2017, regular meeting – for action
- Director’s Report
Minor Subdivision
1. Case No. 17-016MI – 13 Cushing Street (Preliminary Plan) – The applicant is proposing to subdivide a lot in the R-2 zone measuring approximately 10,577 SF into two lots measuring 5,102 SF and 5,475 SF. Continued from the July 18, 2017 CPC meeting – for action (AP 10 Lot 232, College Hill)
2. Case No. 17-032MI – 121 Rutherglen Ave (Preliminary Plan) – The applicant is proposing to subdivide a lot measuring approximately 12,791 SF in the R-1 zone-which has an existing two family dwelling-into two lots measuring 6,531 SF and 6,260 SF. The applicant requires zoning relief for intensifying a nonconforming use by reducing the amount of lot area – for action (AP 61 Lot 320, Reservoir)
Institutional Master Plan
3. Johnson and Wales University Master Plan – The applicant will present their five year Master Plan detailing goals and objectives, growth, traffic and changes since the last iteration of the plan. Continued from the June 20, 2017 meeting – for action
Land Development Project
4. Case No. 17-034MA – 1292 Westminster Street (Master Plan) – The applicant is proposing to construct a mixed-use building which will provide 5-stories with 7,200 SF of commercial space on the first floor and a total of 35 dwelling units on floors 2-5. Twenty one vehicle parking spaces, and 18 bicycle parking spaces will be provided. The site is zoned C-2 and is under a historic district overlay. The applicant is seeking a dimensional adjustment of approximately 9 feet from the 50 foot height restriction in addition to an adjustment for reduction of required parking – for action (AP 32 Lot 233, West End)
[alert type=”success”] 1292 Westminster Master Plan (Updated Aug. 15, 2017) [/alert]
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