Doorley Municipal Building
444 Westminster Street, 1st Floor Conference Room
Providence, RI 02903
– Agenda [/alert]
Opening Session
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Meeting Minutes of June 11, 2018
Old Business
1. DRC Application No. 18.12: 275 Westminster Street (Cherry & Webb Building) – Final Design Review – Continued review of the proposal by 275 Westminster Partners, LLC to modify the existing storefront by installing a new lobby entrance on the Westminster Street elevation. The project received conceptual design approval at the May 14, 2018 DDRC meeting.
2. DRC Application No. 18.16: 580 South Water Street (vacant lot), East Side Overlay District – Public Hearing and Conceptual Design Review – The subject of the hearing will be an application by 40 Tockwotton LLC requesting a waiver from Providence Zoning Ordinance Section 1103.D, East Side I-195 Overlay District Design Standards, for a new 5-story mixed-use building to be constructed at 580 South Water Street, Providence, RI. The waiver requested is from Section 1103.D.1.a, Façade Design, which requires the building facade to occupy at least 80% of the lot frontage along Tockwotton Street. At the conclusion of the hearing, DDRC will take action with respect to these items. The DDRC will also be reviewing the building design. The public hearing was continued from the June 11, 2018 DDRC Meeting.
[alert type=”muted” heading=”See Also:”] Greater City Providence: 5-story building proposed for vacant lot near the Hurricane Barrier by Churchill & Banks[/alert]New Business
3. DRC Application No. 18.18: 95-115 Empire Street (Commercial Block) – Proposal by AS220 to replace the existing storefront at 95 Empire Street with a new storefront, to modify the existing entry at 115 Empire Street to make it handicap accessible, and to construct a new 800sf addition to the rear of the building.
[alert type=”muted” heading=”See Also:”] AS220: All Access Campaign[/alert]
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