I-195 Redevelopment District Commission Meeting
A regular meeting of the I-195 Redevelopment District Commission will be held at Rhode Island Commerce Corporation, 315 Iron Horse Way, Suite 101, Providence, Rhode Island, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019, beginning at 5:00 P.M.
I. Public Session
- Welcoming remarks by Chairperson Davis.
- Approval of the minutes of the Commission meeting held on March 27, 2019.
- Executive Director’s report on Commission activities.
- Presentation by Pennrose, LLC concerning a proposed development on District Parcel 28.
- Presentation by Post Road Residential concerning a proposed development on District Parcel 28.
- Presentation by Tim Love of Utile, Inc. regarding the development proposals on Parcel 28.
- Presentation by Real Estate Solutions Group regarding its financial analysis of the development proposals on Parcel 28.
- Public comment on the proposed developments on District Parcel 28.
II. Executive Session (Newport Room)
To consider and act upon such matters as may be considered at a meeting closed to the public pursuant to Rhode Island General Laws, Section 42-46-5 (the Open Meetings Law) and 42- 64.14-6(i) (the I-195 Act), specifically matters relating to the sale of District real estate where the discussion in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Commission with the other parties to the negotiation.
- Discussion on the proposed developments on Parcel 28.
III. Public Session
- Discussion on the proposed developments on Parcel 28.
- Vote to consider a preferred developer for Parcel 28.
- Chairperson’s Report/Agenda for next meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 5:00 P.M.
- Vote to Adjourn.
Parcel 28 Presentations
Pennrose – Agenda Item 4

Presentation by Pennrose – Agenda Item 4
Post Road Residential – Agenda Item 5

Presentation by Post Road Residential – Agenda Item 5
Other Presentations from last month
View the three other presentations for Parcel 28 reviewed by the Commission last month.
+1 for affordable and workforce housing, -50 for the surface lot.
What could be nicer is a courtyard parking lot on the inside and the building structure along the street front.