Monday, May 13, 2019 – 4:45pm
Doorley Municipal Building
444 Westminster Street, 1st Floor Conference Room Providence, RI 02903
– Agenda
Opening Session
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Meeting Minutes of April 8, 2019
New Business
1. DRC Application No. 19.14: 150 Chestnut Street (Doran Building) – Proposal by Warren Jagger to install a new canopy and railing at the main entrance of the building.
2. DRC Application No. 19.11: 580 South Water Street (parking lot), East Side I-195 Overlay District – Public Hearing and Conceptual Design Review – Proposal by 40 Tockwotton LLC to construct a new 5-story residential building at 580 South Water Street. The applicant is requesting a waiver from Providence Zoning Ordinance Section 1103.D.1.a (Façade Design), which requires the building facade to occupy at least 80% of the lot frontage along Tockwotton Street.
What should go in the first floor of the Projo building?