Here’s a few items that have landed in my inbox today. I don’t have the time now to digest them myself and post any thoughts on them, so they are presented here for your reading pleasure: From Dan...
Category - News & Notes
Required Reading: Part II
As interesting follow-ups to the essential “The Atlantic” piece I blogged about below, there are two other essential articles… One is by David Brooks of the NY Times, who had been drinking New Urbanism...
Must Read: How the Crash Will Reshape America
This article in the current The Atlantic, by Richard Florida, is a must read for anyone who cares about American cities and how our urban and national cityscapes will change as a result of our economic difficulties. The...
More NY Times Articles of Note
The NY Times writers and editors have for some time been examining transit and land use issues, but with the economic calamity unfolding and the mood for “stimulus” in the air, they have had many good...
A couple articles from the intertubes
The Atlantic: The Next Slum? – The subprime crisis is just the tip of the iceberg. Fundamental changes in American life may turn today’s McMansions into tomorrow’s tenements. Strange days are upon the...