“Brick City” is the Peabody Award winning Sundance Channel series which follows Newark, NJ Mayor, Cory Booker. The series combines a reality style tailing of the mayor at work with citizens of the city and others to tell a compelling story of Newark. This is not a slick media piece released by the city as a marketing tool, the series tells the real story of Newark, and it is often not pretty.
The second season premieres Sunday evening on the Sundance Channel, Huffington Post is hosting the first episode on their site now, which is embedded below.
You may have heard that Cory Booker has been all over the Twitter regarding his city’s epic snowfall this winter. I follow him, the guy won’t quit. Here’s video from the New Jersey Star Ledger letting you know, that you should indeed believe the hype.
I’m all about setting up a playdate for Cory and Angel.
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