September 16, 2015, 2015 – 4:45pm
30 Exchange Terrace, 1st floor conference room[/alert] [box style=”alert”]Note, this meeting will be at a different location, 30 Exchange Terrace.[/alert]
- Roll call
- Approval of meeting minutes from July Commission meeting
- Update on the City’s participation in the USDOT Mayor’s Challenge (Martina Haggerty)
- Update on response from administration regarding letter of BPAC recommendations (Martina Haggerty)
- Update on status of Pleasant Valley Parkway Bridge 777 plans and bike detour (Martina Haggerty)
- Discussion of planned update to the City’s Bike Plan and possible public engagement strategies (Martina Haggerty)
- Update on improvements to reporting of pot holes and patching (Leah Bamberger)
- Discussion of Point Street traffic volume data collected by DPW in relation to possible bike lanes on Point Street (Bill Bombard)
- Adjournment
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