Providence Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting
Wednesday, April 17, 2019 – 4:45pm
Doorley Municipal Building
444 Westminster Street, 1st Floor Conference Room Providence, RI 02903
Updated Agenda: Items 4 and 5 are going to be reviewed at meetings coming up over the next 2 months. This meeting will be devoted entirely to the Henderson (“Red”) Bridge project.
- Roll Call
- Approval of March 20, 2019 Meeting Minutes (For Action)
- Overview of Commission Review Procedure (For Discussion)
North Main Street intersection with Doyle Ave – Mount Hope – Ward 3 (For Action) — The City of Providence Department of Planning and Development seeks comments from the BPAC regarding design plans from the Rhode Island Department of Transportation for work at the intersection of North Main Street and Doyle Ave. This will be a design level review of the project and will be the final review before the Commission. -
Mount Pleasant Avenue traffic calming – Mount Pleasant – Ward 5 (For Action) — The City of Providence Department of Planning and Development seeks comments from the BPAC regarding design plans from the Rhode Island Department of Transportation for a traffic calming project on Mount Pleasant Ave. This will be a design level review of the project and will be the final review before the Commission. - Henderson Bridge conceptual review – Wayland – Ward 1 (For Action) — The City of Providence Department of Planning and Development seeks comments from the BPAC regarding conceptual plans for the Henderson Bridge developed by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation. This will be a conceptual level review of the project.
- Announcements and Staff Updates (For Discussion)
- Adjournment
Full disclosure
I am the Chair of this Commission.
Jef, are there any publicly available materials with the proposed design available yet? Thanks.
We’re supposed to get our Staff Report ‘soon.’ Once we have it, it goes up on the Planning website. I don’t know how much design detail it will have.