The Arcade, the Superman Building, Parking, the Bike Plan and more... the What Cheers and What Jeers of 2013.
Category - What Cheer/What Jeer
What Cheer / What Jeer 2012
It is that time of year for us to take a look back and What Cheer the good and What Jeer the bad.
What Cheer/What Jeer 2011
We\'re taking a look back at 2011. What Cheering the good and What Jeering the bad.
What Cheer/What Jeer 2010
[alert type=”info”]What Cheer/What Jeer was originally supposed to be a monthly, or a quarterly thing, but you know what, it is a lot of work putting a list like this together, so it has become an annual...
What Cheer/What Jeer 2009
[alert type=”info”]We’re taking a look back at 2009. What Cheering the good and What Jeering the bad.[/alert] Arts No doubt, 2009 has been a rough year, but the arts community in Providence has helped...
What Cheer/What Jeer: January 2009
Washington Trust What Cheer to Washington Trust for moving from their suburban style drive-thru ridden Washington Street location to a nice urban non-drive-thru location on Westminster. Bonus points for a most excellent...