Greater City Providence

Providence Geeks (04/14)

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010, 5:30-8:30pm
AS220, 115 Empire Street, Providence, RI
FREE (buy your own food and drink – it’s cheap)

Providence-based NABsys is on a serious roll. The startup’s latest achievements include closing a $7 million Series B round and naming semiconductor legend and Analog Devices co-founder Ray Stata to its board.

While frequently described as a bio-tech company, NABsys is much more. As they explain:

Nabsys is a life sciences company working at the intersection of physics, biology, and computer science to revolutionize medicine through clinical-grade whole-geonome DNA sequencing. NABsys is one of five companies to receive a “$1000 Genome” award from the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health.

At the April Geek Dinner, Nabsys President & CEO and Providence-native Barret Bready will give an overview of NABsys focusing on the impressive computer science and information technology that is enabling his company to make major breakthroughs in DNA sequencing.

Please RSVP at Facebook – and while you’re there please join our Facebook group. And if you want to join our very-low-volume email announcement send an email to Jack Templin with your name and affiliation.

Greater City Providence

Promoting the smart urban growth of the Greater Providence region.

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