TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2016, 4:45 PM
Joseph Doorley Municipal Building, 1st Floor Meeting Room
444 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02903[/alert]
Opening Session
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Approval of minutes from the April 26, 2016 meeting – for action
- Director’s Report
Major Land Development Project Public Hearing
1. Case No. 16-006MA – 249 Thayer Street – The applicant is seeking preliminary plan approval to demolish an existing building at 249 Thayer Street and construct a five story building providing for a mix of uses including a restaurant, commercial, and residential space. An extension of the sidewalk for provision of public space is also proposed. The applicant is seeking a dimensional adjustment from the 50 foot/four story height limit in the C-2 zone, proposing a building height of 57 feet and five stories – for action (AP 13 Lot 49, College Hill)
Minor Subdivion
2. Case No. 16-026 MI – 348-R Woodward Road – The applicant is proposing to subdivide a lot measuring approximately 65,340 SF into three lots measuring 43,560 SF and two lots measuring 10,316 SF. No street creation is proposed as part of the subdivision – for action (AP 78 Lot 372, Wanskuck)
City Council Referral
3. Referral No 3304 – Rezoning of 9 Duncan Avenue – The petitioner is requesting to rezone a lot measuring 14,208 SF from R-3 to C-2 – for action (AP 5 Lot 517, Mt. Hope)
Major Land Development Project Public Hearing
4. Case No. 15-039MA – 303 West River Street and 200 Corliss Street (Master Plan) – The applicant is requesting preliminary plan approval for a project consisting of two (2) phases in which the described properties will each be developed with a three (3) story office building and associated parking. Lot 399 will be developed to provide approximately 25,000 sq. ft. of office space and approximately 89 parking spaces, and Lot 379 will be developed with approximately 57,000 sq. ft. of office space and approximately 194 parking spaces. The applicant is requesting a waiver from Section 506.2 of the Development Review Regulations, from the requirement to provide written confirmation of compliance from appropriate State agencies, the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, the Narragansett Bay Commission and Providence Water – for action (Mt. Hope, AP 74 Lots 399 and 379)
Major Land Development Project Public Hearing
5. Case No. 16-011MA – 93 Cranston Street – The applicant is seeking preliminary plan approval to construct a mixed use development consisting of two buildings. The north building will provide 27 residential units and internal parking. The south building will provide 12 residential units with a grocery store on the ground floor. A total of 70 spaces will be provided – for action (AP 29 Lots 193, 194, 504 and 505, West End)
Institutional Master Plan
6. Rhode Island Hospital Institutional Master Plan Amendment – The applicant is seeking approval of the Institutional Master Plan Amendment to construct a two story addition to Hasbro Children’s Hospital for inpatient obstetrical services providing 46,230 SF of space – for action (Upper South Providence)
“The applicant is proposing to subdivide a lot measuring approximately 65,340 SF into three lots measuring 43,560 SF and two lots measuring 10,316 SF” That’s a hell of a trick.
I remember seeing the design for the Case No. 16-011MA and was upset that the main entrance to the grocery store wasn’t facing the sidewalk on Cranston St but was facing the parking lot. Lets hope that the developer is forced to change that. also don’t like that building 2 is set back with a nature band aid on Thomas P Whitten Way. It’s weird that the project is split into 2 buildings with both a surface lot and a garage that flanks building 2. Also not a big fan of the greenspace between building and 2. At the very least the developer could’ve put building 2 on Cranston St and have all the parking facing Thomas P Whitten Way. The whole design of the project seems like it’s trying to be as smart-growth friendly as possible without making it hard for people who drive although it doesn’t help that there’s parking minimums in that neighborhood.
Previous post about the Urban Greens project is here.
Any updates on the Thayer street proposal?