Greater City Providence

Community Boating Renaissance Regatta

CBC Regatta

This Thursday (7/23/09), rain or shine, the Providence Community Boating Center at India Point Park will be hosting it’s annual Renaissance Regatta. From the CBC website:

The Regatta is a perfect opportunity to help a great Ocean State cause. Sponsors provide a team of employee-sailors (or sponsor a proxy team) to sail in a series of small boat relays, slaloms, and team building games guaranteed to win over a smile. We provide the boats, gear, and kids. Join the fun!

Last year, despite the rain, the event was a fantastic success and a great time. Hopefully, this year the rain will hold off because the Regatta is more than a race and more than a fundraiser; it’s a fantastic party! In the evening, there will be sailboat rides, a cocktail reception, and a silent auction in addition to the team racing earlier in the day. The silent auction features works of art, packages of overnight accommodations, restaurant gift certificates, outings, activities, and much more.

Come join us! The event is open to all, but tickets are required (discount for CBC members). Check out the CBC website for more information.

See you there!

Matthew Coolidge

Matthew Coolidge is co-founder of Greater City Providence. In addition to the occasional blog post about cycling, sailing, or urban rant, he works as an Electrical Engineer, often traveling to major cities and ports around the globe, or simply Warwick.

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