Providence Community Library will be presenting a free summer long series of concerts outdoors on our lawn at Knight Memorial Library (275 Elmwood Avenue in Providence), Live on the lawn, 6:30-8:30pm, FREE.
The lineup and dates are as follows:
JULY 8 – Sweet P Blues Band
Paul Williams and his blues trioJULY 15 -The Throttles
High voltage roots music featuring Jack Hanlon (Amazing Royal Crowns)!JULY 22 – Alec K Redfearn and the Eyesores
an infectious mix – got to be there!JULY 29 – SEY
Haitian folklore music with Marc DorceanAUGUST 5 – the ‘Mericans
Experimental Americana roots folk rock band led by singer/guitarist Chris DaltryAUGUST 12 The Denver Boot
Providence group performing original music in a country, folk and blues fashionAUGUST 26 – The Double Decker Dance Band
afro-pop, reggae, and other dance music led by Liberian-born Joseph PayeSEPTEMBER 2 Voces de los Andes
traditional Bolivian and Andean music; a family ensemble.
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