Vigils for the vicitms of the shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando are being held in Providence tonight and tomorrow evening.
The Alley Cat, The Dark Lady, and The Stable are hosting a vigil and march to the State House tonight at 8pm. All three bars will be closed tonight between 8pm and 9pm during the vigil. Meet at the corner of Snow and Washington Streets at 8pm.
Please join us for a candellight vigil Monday in honor of those lost, injured, families, friends, and community. We will meet between 8:00-8:30pm and walk to the State House. More details will follow please share and feel free to post here. xoxo, The Dark Lady & Alleycat and Stable Family
Another vigil will be held tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm at the Roger Williams National Memorial Park on North Main Street.
Please join the LGBTQ and allied community in this visible response to ant-LGBTQ violence and stand strong together in this important moment. We are Pulse; we are Orlando; we are Rhode Island.
Also, The Center, Orlando’s GLBT Community Center, is accepting donations for victims and thier families via a GoFundMe page.
The Eagle is also now part of tonight’s vigil.