Washington, DC expands bike sharing program [Good]
U.S. Sec. of Transportation Ray LaHood turned transportation policy on its head with a declaration that pedestrians and cyclists should be treated as equals with drivers. That means federal dollars for more projects geared toward walking and cycling. [NPR]
Emergency transit funding bill introduced by Senator Jack Reed and others [Transportation For America]
R.I. Senate takes a new look at miles-driven tax [ProJo]
How Portland Sold Its Banks on Walkable Development [StreetsBlog]
One in five licensed drivers — some 38 million Americans — lack the knowledge necessary to pass a written driving test, and even more are distracted while driving, according to a survey released Thursday. [CNNMoney]
Well, the LaHood thing looks good for the streetcar line(s) in Providence. That’s the thing, DOT loves funding capital projects. It’s operational that they don’t fund.