Greater City Providence

Capital Center Commission Meeting – January 9, 2013

[alert type=”muted”]Wednesday, January 9, 2013 – 12:00 NOON
Department of Planning and Development, 444 Westminster Street, 1st Floor Conference Room Providence, RI 02903[/alert]


  1. Roll Call
  2. Minutes
    2.1 Approval of Commission Meeting Minutes of October 10, 2012 and December 12, 2012
    2.2 Acceptance of DRC Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2012 and October 23, 2012
  3. Welcome New Members
  4. Election of Officers
  5. 2013 CCC Meeting Schedule: Acceptance of the Capital Center Commission’s 2013 Meeting Schedule
  6. Parcel 7: Providence Station Proposal to install bollards, fencing and gates as part of Amtrak’s security project at Providence Station.
  7. Adjournment
[alert type=”muted”]Agenda [/alert]

Greater City Providence

Promoting the smart urban growth of the Greater Providence region.


  • It is disappointing that though the public uses the Capital Center area in a variety of ways (the rr station, streets, station park etc) there is no “public comment” on the Agenda so that the Commission can hear fom the public. In contrast, I know that RIPTA, the State Planning Council, the Transportation Advisory Committee,the Board of Governors for Higher Ed, all have a public comment section at each meeting. In general, I think citizen activists should seek the right to address public bodies on their agendas routinely.

  • Oh, great.

    Bollards every three feet just like the Federal buildings at Kennedy Plaza.

    So how will the AMTRAK security personnel and all the other people who get to park in front of the entrance to the station get to park there? Removable bollards? Hate to inconvenience them.