Providence Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting Wednesday, November 20, 2019 – 4:45 PM Doorley Municipal Building, 444 Westminster Street, First Floor, Providence, RI 02903 Agenda AGENDA Roll...
Category - BPAC
Providence Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – August 21, 2019
Providence Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting Wednesday, August 21, 2019, 4:45 PM Doorley Municipal Building, 444 Westminster Street, First Floor, Providence, RI 02903 – Agenda Agenda Roll Call...
Providence Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – June 19, 2019
The BPAC reviews Sabin Street, the Great Streets initiative, and the Woonasquatucket Greenway at their June 19th meeting.
UPDATED: Providence Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – April 17, 2019
The BPAC reviews plans for N. Main at Doyle Ave., traffic calming on Mt. Pleasant Ave., and the Henderson Bridge replacement at their April 17th meeting.
Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – March 20, 2019
BPAC discusses RIDOT plans for Doyle Ave. at N. Main St. and Mt. Pleasant Avenue, The Henderson Bridge, snow removal, and the Great Streets Initiative at their March 20th meeting.
UPDATED: Providence Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – February 20, 2019
The BPAC discusses dramatic changes to the State Transportation Improvement Plan, plans for Dexter and Parade Street, the Complete Streets Master Plan, and CityWalk at their February 20th meeting.
Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – January 16, 2019
Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission will review Climate Justice Strategy and Complete Streets Master Plan at their January 16th meeting.
Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – December 19, 2018
The Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission reviews plans for City Walk and the Complete Streets Master Plan at their December 19th meeting.
Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – November 15, 2018
The BPAC will review plans for Kennedy Plaza, an extension of the Fountain Street bike lane, and conceptual plans for Park Street at their November 15th meeting.
Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – August 15, 2018
The Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission reviews plans for Bike Facilities Downtown and in the Jewelry District and along the Dean Street Viaduct and Pleasant Valley Parkway at their August 15th meeting.
Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – June 20, 2018
The Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission reviews Capital Improvement Program Contracts 4 & 5, plans for the Gano Gateway, and pedestrian and bike coordination of the 6/10 Connector Project at their June...
Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – May 16, 2018
The Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission will review plans for Capital Improvement Program Contract 1 and Bike Share station locations at their meeting on May 16th.
Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – April 10, 2018
Lots of bike and pedestrian projects being reviewed for Olneyville at the April 10th Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting.
Providence Pedestrian & Bicycle Advisory Commission Meeting – March 28, 2017
The Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission reviews Contracts 1 & 2 of the Capital Improvement Program, possible bike lanes on Douglas Avenue, and plans for Kennedy Plaza at their March 28th meeting.
Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting – March 22, 2018
The Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission will review streets that are part of the Capital Improvement Program and locations for proposed Bike Share stations at their March 22nd meeting.
Providence Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – February 21, 2018
City Walk Phase I, King Street mixed-use path, Plainfield Street & Pocasset Avenue intersection in Olneyville on the agenda for the February 21st Providence Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission meeting.
Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – January 17, 2018
[alert type=”muted” heading=”Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting”]January 17, 2018, 4:45 PM Doorley Municipal Building, 444 Westminster Street, First Floor...
Providence Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission Meeting – November 15, 2017
[alert type=”info”]Two important items on the BPAC Agenda this week, Pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements to the Dean Street corridor and indentifying the best cycling corridors through downtown for...