Wickford Junction Station. Photo from RIDOT’s Facebook Page
Press Release from RIDOT:
RIDOT Offering Free In-State Commuter Rail Trips Between Wickford Junction, T.F. Green And Providence Stations
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) is encouraging Rhode Islanders to leave their cars at home for the daily trip to work, catching a flight, or a visit to the capital city by making in-state travel free on trains between Wickford Junction, T.F. Green and Providence stations.
RIDOT is making commuter rail service free for a limited time, beginning on July 3 and running through the end of the year. The promotion will raise awareness of this convenient transit service, encouraging more people to use the train instead of the busy Route 4 highway corridor and the subsequent challenges of driving into and parking in Providence.
“Rhode Island ranks on the bottom when it comes to the percentage of travelers who use transit as opposed to cars, yet we have the infrastructure and train service to make it easy for people to get around our state without a car,” RIDOT Director Peter Alviti Jr. said. “Making it free for a period of time will make more people aware of this great service and provide them an opportunity try it and use it on a regular basis.”
Parking at Wickford Junction Station is free year-round. The facility – located minutes from Exit 5 on Route 4 in North Kingstown – includes covered garage parking, restrooms, a climate-controlled indoor waiting area, electric car charging stations and vending machines.
Wickford Junction and T.F. Green stations offer 20 weekday stops with service to Providence. The free travel is only to Providence, however travelers wishing to continue to Boston may purchase tickets on the train or through the MBTA’s mobile ticketing app on their smartphones.
Wickford Junction Station is located at 1011 Ten Rod Road, in North Kingstown. T.F. Green Station is located at 700 Jefferson Blvd. in Warwick. Providence Station is located at 100 Gaspee St., Providence.
Is it also Providence to Wickford junction free of charge?
I believe so, yes.
This is great and all but frequency at wickford junction and tf green stations are way too low so I can never take advantage of this since the schedule never aligns to the times I’m in Warwick.
There was a celebration promoting this free (free BOTH ways to AND from Providence) service at Wickford Jct. Officials from North Kingstown, Warwick, RIDOT and from the business community spoke after the 9am train arrived from Providence. I was on that, not many riders, but I was impressed by the large number of “reverse” commuters coming from MA getting off in Providence. Providence should help market both services, but no sign about any of it at City Hall. We advocates should help get the word out too as GCPVD has done.
Speakers were aware of the need for connections to Wickford Village, weekend service, fare and schedule coordination with RIPTA which stops there about 30 times each way weekdays between South County and Providence on the #66 and 65X lines. It seems those routes accept MBTA monthly passes as valid on those bus lines. So despite the limited train schedule there is a lot of flexibility to get to Providence, including the 1, 20, and 14 bus lines that go to TF Green. There will have to be more riders if there are to be service improvements.
By the way, trains leave Wickford Jct for Providence and Boston each weekday at 4:45am, 5:45, 6:35, 7:45, 9:20, 1:25pm, 5:30, 6:55, 7:45, 8:53. MBTA info at 800-392-6100
I used to take the 4:45AM train to Boston every morning, for about a year. It’s great… first pick of seats, and just load up laptop and start my day early. Beautiful facilities that were clean. I think the issue is that there just aren’t enough intra-RI stations. Plain and simple.
A RI system with stops at Woonsocket, 295 (Cumberland/Lincoln), Pawtucket, Providence, Olneyville, Cranston, Warwick, EG, Wickford, Kingston, Westerly — people would see the convenience getting places over bus and Uber. Example: Dinner in EG for a Providence resident. Or, travel from Westerly to Warwick for a job. Without choices, the only people interested are into and out of Boston and Providence.
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation, Public Transit Authority & Providence & Worcester Railroad should develop their own intrastate electric commuter rail line, also known as the Rhode Island Railway Trans-State (Woonsocket-Westerly) & Trans-Metro (Woonsocket-Quonset Point & Woonsocket-Wickford Junction) Commuter Rail Lines. https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1573/26236398360_5855d6be09_z.jpg
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation, Public Transit Authority & Providence & Worcester Railroad should develop their own intrastate electric commuter rail line, also known as the Rhode Island Railway Trans-State (Woonsocket-Westerly) & Trans-Metro (Woonsocket-Quonset Point & Woonsocket-Wickford Junction) Commuter Rail Lines.