Greater City Providence

Providence City Plan Commission Meeting – October 16, 2018

[alert type=”muted” heading=”Providence City Plan Commission Notice of Regular Meeting”]Tuesday, October 16, 2018, 4:45 PM
Joseph Doorley Municipal Building, 1st Floor Meeting Room 444 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02903

Agenda [/alert]

cpc-roundOpening Session
  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of minutes from the September 18, 2018 meeting- for action
  • Director’s Report – update on student housing
Land Development Project – Public Informational Meeting

1. Case No. 18-026MA – 1 – 45 King Street and 50-60 Salmon Street (Master Plan) – Applicant: One Neighborhood Builders – The applicant is seeking master plan approval for new construction of 30 residential units, 26 of which will be in townhouses on King Street and four of which will be above a community facility/daycare center on Salmon Street. The development will be constructed on a certain tract of land at 1-45 King Street & 50-60 Salmon Street – for action (AP 56 Lots 56 and 144; AP 96 Lots 144, 276, 132, 258, 257, 256, 255, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 247, 122, Olneyville)
– for action

Major Land Development Project

Rendering of 473 Washington Street by ZDS Architecture & Interior Design

2. Case No. 18-027MA – 473 Washington Street (Preliminary Plan) – Applicant: Batwitwash LLC – The applicant is seeking preliminary plan approval to construct a four story, 21 unit residential building at 473 Washington Street – for action (AP 29 Lots 41, 42 and 481, Federal Hill)

[alert type=”success”]Download more information on 473 Washington Street [/alert]
Development Plan Review

3. Case No. 2018-08 DPR – 374 Silver Spring Street – Applicant: John and Sandra Petrarca – The applicant is seeking a design waiver from the requirement that the side walls of a redeveloped garage building in the C-3 zone provide 50 percent transparency – for action (AP 77 Lot 731, Charles)

City Council Referral

4. Referral 3441 – Zoning ordinance changes – Proponent: Department of Planning and Development – Changes to zoning ordinance including clarifications, corrections and compliance with state law. Substantive changes include regulations for short term rentals, entertainment in commercial zones and design regulations for downtown and commercial zones – for action


Greater City Providence

Promoting the smart urban growth of the Greater Providence region.


  • The 473 Washington Street project is pretty inoffensive to me. It is unfortunate that it sits on a parking podium, but there is clear glazing on the corner. The rest could probably be treated a little better. This neighborhood is never going to be a bustling retail corridor (there are only so many fried chicken joints and bespoke beer halls that can exist in a given area) so I wouldn’t push for retail here. Maybe just pay special attention to the plantings and you don’t want to be seeing parked cars through mesh walls when you walk by, screen the parking well.

    It is also unfortunate that it is tearing down a building in a neighborhood devastated by surface lots, but developers can only develop what they own, not others lots. Bringing more density to the neighbor hood will pressure those other lots to be developed eventually. I’d love to see the 3-story masonry building on the opposite corner get redeveloped!

  • Fully agree.

    Although, it hardly can be called a “Major Land Development Project”. Maybe for a suburban city, but not PVD.

  • Items #1 and #2 are great! While the ground floor parking for the Washington street project is certainly disappointing, this kind of development is great for the neighborhood. With the Urban Greens store and apartments under construction a block away, I feel that it is imminent that there will be a mass departure of the all of the auto repair businesses and a lot more new residential development happening here. I live off of Hope Street in Summit and would be jumping for joy if something like this (with an active ground floor) were to come to Summit.